Monday, November 29, 2010

Walking Toward the Son!

I love church signs.  I saw a good one Friday night on the way home from the Western KY Youth Rally at Lighthouse Pentecostal Church in Ledbetter, KY.  It said," Looking for a lifeguard? Ours walks on water".  Isn't that great?  The Henderson Church of Christ on Green St. also has a good one.  Theirs says, "If you walk toward the Son, the shadows will fall behind you".   Wow, how true that is!  I believe that so many times we live with gloom and despair and fail to walk in the unspeakable joy  that the Lord desires for us have because we are walking away from the Son instead of toward Him.  Many times in the Scripture light represents truth.  As we believe the truth of God's Word and act upon it, our path becomes bright.  Standing on the promises of God has a wonderful way of lifting us up above the shadows.  If Satan has deceived you with his lies, and the problems of life have dimmed your view of the beauty and the blessings all around you, I encourage you to turn around and face the Son.  Look full in his wonderful face, feel the warmth of his love shining down upon you.  Then, the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.